It All Starts Here

By here, we mean hero. wait no... habits... ah same thing.

Welcome friends,

This is the beginning of what we aim to be the most valuable once-a-week newsletter for your health & habits that you can find on this planet 🌎. It is written by me Chris and me Shaun, founders of the Upspace and SquadUp apps.

We want to hang out with some happy and healthy people so selfishly...

A Healthier You = A Happier Me (*We* get it)

So it is our pledge to you that we will do everything in our power ⚑ to help create a healthier you. But it's up to you. Take it or leave it. If you're interested, share the health with a friend! If not, all good... feel free to unsubscribe below.

Here is what we will cover today:

  • 🐢 Why Habits Matter

  • πŸ“° Camping With The Cows

  • 🦸 Healthy Hero of the Week

50% of your daily actions are made up of habitual behavior. Think about that... half of everything you do each day is repetitive, unconscious, habitual actions. This makes your habits your ultimate superpower (or super-curse). Change them to be good and you become 50% [enter your favorite superhero]. Let them slip and you become your own villain.

3 Tips to Become a SuperHero (*Improve your habits)

  1. Start easy - 1% improvement each day leads to a 37x improvement over a year.

  2. Find a partner - checking in with an accountability partner routinely leads to a 90% increase in your habit-forming success rate.

  3. Start with ONE - you master one habit and you build momentum to master them all. No need to start with radically changing everything in your life. Start with one habit.

If you could take one thing from this it would be this...

Make your habits your heroes. Turn your habits from super-curses to superpowers.

A few weeks ago, I, Shaun, went to this "Camping with the Cows" event hosted by Raw Farms USA in Fresno, California. It was an overnight event that I signed up for because I wanted to check out the farm that I get all of my raw milk from. To put it in perspective, this is a family farm in the middle of California. And California is big so it is a journey to get there.

So, I expected like 30-40 people. But when I got there, I was shocked. Guess how many people PAID and drove hours to go support a local family raw dairy farm and stay overnight???

1500+ people!

This gave me hope for humanity and the preservation and protection of local farms πŸ„ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ.

3 Reasons To Support Local Farms (Especially Raw Dairy Farms)

  1. America was founded on local. Local farms = local freedom. ​Local Futures Economics of Happiness has great information​ on this.

  2. Local farmers care more about their community because they are a part of it! ​Bigger farms = bigger problems!​

  3. ​The benefits of raw milk​ are as powerful as your habits yet it is federally illegal!

The Healthy Hero of the Week goes to a local hero who is helping other locals be heroes in their communities...

Mark McAfee: Self-named 'Chief Excitement Officer' and Founder of Raw Farms USA.

Not all heroes wear capes but they do have a habit of drinking raw milk and the best of them feed it to their local communities! Mark and his family are the team behind the incredible Camping with the Cows event and are saving (*nourishing) California (which needs some saving!) through their 100% Raw Dairy Products.

More about Mark

That's all for today! Best of luck on your Hero's Habit Journey 🏳️.

Here's to your Health & Habits. Till next week 🫑.

🐢 Chris & Shaun 🐺

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